The Zerg are an insect-like race. Zerg units are generally weak and cheap, so they must rely on their sheer numbers and speed to defeat their opponents. The Zerg have a key advantage in that they can expand very rapidly, but they are limited to building on creep. The Zerg units and structures also self-heal by regenerating health after some time. Many Zerg units can also burrow giving them time to heal or surprise an incoming army if not scouted properly. Although fragile, Zerg units are very fast and in Starcraft 2 they even receive a speed bonus on the creep making them that much more faster. With the addition of several new units, the Zerg are a force to be reckoned with.
Zerg Strengths:
- Unit are Cheap and Swarmable
- Many Grow Units can Burrow
- Hatcheries/Lairs/Hives can Build Multiple Units Simultaneously
- Units Auto-Heal
- Overseer's detect
Zerg Weaknesses:
- Must Build On Creep
- Units are Weak
- Drones Physically become Buildings
- Vulnerable Overlords
Thanks alot for the Zerg strats mate, I look forward to trying em out over the weekend and improving my Zerg game.