The Terran are the human race in
Starcraft 2. They are a race with highly mixed units on the battlefield and rely on their defensive capabilities and special abilities. Terrans can also pack quite a punch with some of their more powerful units like the battlecruiser. Terrans have a key advantage in that they can build anywhere on the map, and most of their buildings can fly to new locations if the need arises. Some Terran units also possess the ability to cloak which renders them invisible without a detector around. Terrans also have the ability to repair their damaged structures and damaged mechanical units. The Terran race is considered on the middle of the road in terms of strength, since they are weaker than the Protoss and do not have the sheer numbers of the Zerg. Yet with a touch of micro and superior strategies, the versatile Terrans can get the job done.
Terran Strengths:- Can Build Anywhere.
- Ability to Repair Buildings and Most Units.
- They can lift certain buildings and move them to other locations.
- They can call down the MULE to aid in gathering additional resources.
- Terran posses the ability to scan anywhere on the map with the orbital command.
- The ability to defend well comes with being a Terran, through Turrets,Siege Tanks, Thor and Bunkers.
Terran Weaknesses:- Require Micromanagement for Special Abilities.
- Buildings burn down after a certain damamge threshhold has been reached.
- Terrans tend to find it harder to expand compared to the other races.
Yes, i think the factions are balanced and i can win with any faction vsing any faction. But, i find it easier in the order i named the thread.