
Friday, 5 March 2010

Protoss of Starcraft 2

The Protoss are a superior race in both technology and power. They possess brute strength and rely on their psionic abilities to master their opponents. Most Protoss units have higher health and more damage output than the Terrans or Zerg. In Starcraft 2 the Protoss' shields also regenerate two times faster than in the original game, thus allowing the Protoss to get back into battle even earlier than before. In general Protoss units are more expensive and cost more supply, but their raw power more than makes up for this. The Protoss have a few other key advantages in that their workers can construct multiple buildings at once if Pylon power is available and the Protoss can warp-in units to anywhere that power is available. This makes for some interesting strategies and battles.

Protoss Strengths:

  • Powerful units.
  • Permanent cloaking on certain units.
  • Probes can construct multiple buildings simultaneously.
  • Photon Cannons attack both land and air as well as being detectors.
  • All Protoss units have shields, which regenerate.

Protoss Weaknesses:

  • Expensive units.
  • Must build within the range of a Pylon.
  • Buildings cut-off from Pylons become useless.

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